Friday, March 6, 2009

Fertilizing our garden

As promised here are some photos of our garden after we moved the manure on to it.
Two years ago we had to brake up the ground with a ax. But now because of leaves, sticks, vegetable scraps, manure, and turning it over many times, it is really better. A friend loaned us his tiller. It was fun to operate and it turned the soil over excellantly. Our record size of vegetables are a one foot long zuchinni. It reminds me of the big grapes the spies brought back to Moses after checking out Canaan. God sure blessed our garden.

Do you have any funny garden stories?

Our garden is about 13 feet long and 30 feet long. That metal pole in the back round is my pull-up bar, "Can Do" 7 pull-ups.

One of my Bonsais. It is about five years. I recently changed out the old soil for new. In a my Bonsai club's news letter they said that changing out the soil yearly was healthy for the tree.

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