Sunday, October 28, 2007

Deaf Rally - September 29

International Day for Deaf People and Sign Languages was September 29. The Deaf Community here, in Hampton Roads celebrated it by having a peaceful rally at the Norfolk City Hall. It was an amazing experiences! I was proud to be able to witness such a monumental event.

Dad and David joined me (Emily) at the Deaf rally. They were quoted on the website ( as, "Christians supporting us," since they wore their Awana t-shirts. Pretty cool, eh?

One of my favorite presenters was my classmate, Beth. She is currently in ASL-3 with me, as she is learning ASL with her deaf daughter, Lily. She presented about her support of the bilingual-bicultural communication method. This consists of using ASL as the deaf child's first language for the first 7 years, exposing the child to all aspects of the Deaf Community and it's culture. This gives the Deaf child a language and cultural foundation before encouraging the use of English. As a second language, they begin to learn English including written and spoken (if possible). Beth's dream is to create a charter school where she can educate, Lily in ASL and English. Giving her access to the Deaf AND Hearing World.

This is Star, my favorite teacher and the president of the Southeastern Society of the Deaf. She gave an amazing presentation at the rally!

Tria, Kathy, and Lela holding their signs to protest and refute audism.

Below is Jennifer signing the song Wind Beneath My Wings. She did an amazing job leaving most of us teary-eyed and very touched....

The rally was amazing! I had an amazing time and learned SO much! It was an honor to be able to witness this awesome event! I can't wait for next year!!! *smiles*


The P Family said...

Great to hear from you all! Hope you're all doing well, have a great day!

His Princess said...

This is really amazing, Em. I'm glad you got to see that!
