Monday, October 8, 2007


We went to Jamestown, it was the 400th anniversary this year, from 1607-2007. Below is pictures we took on our trip to Jamestown:

This is me (DJ) looking at a recreation of one of the three ships that sailed from England to Virginia.

Can you believe that we got to see this church? It is the oldest church in North America! Impressive!

The statue of Captain John Smith looking out over the James River...I believe he said that the James River held so many fish, that you could *almost* walk on it. Of course, that was a figure of speech but imagine all those fish!

Here is my dad at the pulpet of the pastor's house in the recreated Jamestown...I can almost imagine him preaching a sermon right there!

In this picture I am holding a sixteenth century shield that is recreated. Now *this* is how I imagine the shield of faith. I also tried on the breastplate and helmet. It was very neat!

My mom wearing the recreated helmet from the sixteenth century...she looked the best in it compaired to all of us!

We really enjoyed our Jamestown trip! We saw some amazing sights and learned a lot!

Enjoy the pictures!

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