Sunday, May 24, 2009

Let's play a little catch up...

As you may have noticed, it's been a couple of weeks since we have last posted. So let's play a little catch up here, and fill you in on what is happening since you last heard from us.
First of all, my brother (the usual poster on the blog) and I have finished our spring semester. As many people know, the end of a semester comes with excitement, but also stressful exams. Thankfully, we got through those. But had only a week until our summer semester began. Rather hectic, but here we are a week into our summer semester. Both my brother and I are taking Biology 101. It is our first class together and I've rather enjoyed it so far...
My brother is great with science and is a great study buddy. His favorite part is our lecture, while I enjoy getting my hands dirty in lab. I'd say we make a pretty good team. *smiles!*
Stepping back now, the month of April closed with a bang. I turned 19 years old...
I love my hat and boots... I guess I'm a Southern girl at heart!
We also greatly enjoyed welcoming our church friend Cris home from deployment. Latoya and baby John were so excited to see him!! To help him find us among the masses of people we wore our Cat-and-the-Hat hats. We actually became a landmark on the dock, other family members stood near us and said "we're next to the Cat-and-the-Hat hats!"
Can you say "patriotic baby?"
Baby John was so good waiting for his daddy to come off... and it was so sweet, John fell asleep in his dad's arms almost immediately. It was perfect! We had a blast being part of that.
We've been enjoying some beautiful warm weather lately. We actually had a chance to enjoy Sabbath afternoon at the beach. Although the water wasn't nearly as warm as Guam, it was more like walking in melted ice cubes, we still managed to have a blast.
My mom enjoyed sitting on the beach and take care of my hat, while our friend Zach and I tried out the water. Let's just say it was rather shocking, I guess I'm use to the islands?
Other than that, we've had a beautiful month of May with the excitement of new baby mice, a new summer class, and staying active with church and working. We are now on facebook. It is a website that is similar to a blog, but a lot more secure because it only allows your approved buddies to view it. Search us on!
Alright, I think that catches you all up on what is happening... God bless your Memorial Day weekend!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute boots and hat, Emily! They're adorable. Looks like you all had fun at the beach!! Hope you had a good memorial day!