Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bible Trivia III

1."How many books are there in the standard Bible?

Choose Your Answer: A: 39, B: 54, C: 66, D: 72

2.At the time of the census which was conducted by Moses in the first chapter of Numbers, which of the twelve tribes of Israel was the largest?

Choose Your Answer: A: Judah, B: Gad, C: Asher, D: Reuben

3.Which of the following animals were the Israelites forbidden to eat by the Old Testament?

Choose Your Answer: A: Sheep, B: Goat, C: Rabbit, D: Antelope

4. When were Israelites required to free their servants?

Choose Your Answer: A: In the seventh year of service, B: In the twelfth year of service, C: When the servant produced offspring, D: Never"

Just post your answers on our blog, and I will give the correct answers on Sabbath, have fun.



Anonymous said...

Okay, let's see here...

1. (C). There are 66 books in the Bible, 39 in the OT and 27 in the NT.

2. (A). I guessed that one!

3. (C). Rabbits were prohibited, because they chewed the cud but did not have divided hoofs. (feet, actually!)

4. (A). The Jubilee year!

David G. and Family said...

Here are the answers to the quiz questions:

1. 66 Bible books

2. Judah is the largest tribe

3. Rabbits

4. seventh year