Saturday, April 18, 2009

Washington DC - Cherry Blossoms

We visited my dad in Washington D.C. He is doing well and learning a lot.

Below are some of the places we visited while we visited DC a few weeks ago:

Above is the front of the National Basilica. On the right, are the New Testament saints. On the left, are the Old Testament saints. Inside the Church there are smaller chapels for Christians around the world.

The worship there was uplifting! There is a huge pipe organ in the back balcony of the church that vibrates the Basilica. We attended a palm service on Saturday evening.

Above is a picture of my family and our friend Zach in front of the Lincoln Memorial. It was fun to spend time together and view the cherry blossoms.

The cherry blossoms near the tidal basin.

One of my favorite memorials, because of its classical style. The Jefferson Memorial reminds me of photos of the Pantheon in Rome

Great view of the Presidential Mansion as the British called it in the War of 1812.

Cherry blossom grove near the basin, near the Jefferson memorial.

The same God that created the universe also created the beautiful flowers. Amazing God.

Next to the Mall was a beautiful garden full of tulips. These tulips ranged in kinds, colors, and size. They were an amazing sight to behold.

Joe, here's a job for you out here. Haha! :} The D.C. Fire/ EMS were out because of a 10 mile run that was in Washington that day. The finish line was right on the Mall, in front of the Washington Monument. There sure were a lot of runners!

Family shot from the side of the National Basilica.


Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as we enjoyed the trip up there. Come visit our blog again sometime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a fun time!! I've always wanted to go to DC at that time of year!