Thursday, March 26, 2009

Church art from Appomattax Virginia

On our way out from the national park that holds the surrendering ground of the Civil War we passed this beautiful Country Church.

Cracker Barrel, the new job and the new mission field

Cracker Barrel is a old southern restrant. Three months ago I found a job bussing tables and washing dishes there. This is a great job and I am juggling the community college and the dish washing job just fine. We stay busy with dishes coming, bussing tables, and cleaning the building. The job offers great P.T. such as lifting cup racks, delivering dishes to and from the wash room, and doing the garbage runs to the dumpster. God really blessed me with a great job when so many in the U.S. are unemployed, Give God Glory.

This picture shows my colleague. He is spraying off the dishes before they go into the dish machine. Similar to God recreating the earth by melting the elements of the old earth with fervent heat, so we also melt the elements of old food off our dishes.

This is me with a beard and hair guard rinsing off the dishes. Dunking the dishes into the bus tub was like baptism for the dishes. Most of the dishes at Cracker Barrel probably went through this baptism and are now born again. That is another great Biblical analogy that makes work interesting. Also I have the opportunity to show what a Christian talks and acts like.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fertilizing our garden

As promised here are some photos of our garden after we moved the manure on to it.
Two years ago we had to brake up the ground with a ax. But now because of leaves, sticks, vegetable scraps, manure, and turning it over many times, it is really better. A friend loaned us his tiller. It was fun to operate and it turned the soil over excellantly. Our record size of vegetables are a one foot long zuchinni. It reminds me of the big grapes the spies brought back to Moses after checking out Canaan. God sure blessed our garden.

Do you have any funny garden stories?

Our garden is about 13 feet long and 30 feet long. That metal pole in the back round is my pull-up bar, "Can Do" 7 pull-ups.

One of my Bonsais. It is about five years. I recently changed out the old soil for new. In a my Bonsai club's news letter they said that changing out the soil yearly was healthy for the tree.