Friday, October 15, 2010

Pensacola Adventure

My dad is in Pensacola for his last assignment with the Navy. The start of this week I went to see him. We traveled around and saw a number of historical sights. Pensacola is a beautiful piece of God's creation.

Pensacola Navy base has a 170+ foot lighthouse. The view from the top is awesome!

The lens of the lighthouse was the original Civil War lens. The Coast Guard clean the glass with water and keep the light house shining.

Fort Barrancas was an impregnable fortress in the 1830s. It is on the Navy Base. It was built as one of the early US coastal defenses which stretched from the Mississippi to Michigan.

My dad and I went to the Navy Air Museum.

A Blue Angel cockpit that the museum allowed people to sit in.

A flight simulator at the Navy Air Museum. Joe, I wish you could flown back seat in this fighter.

Fort Morgan.

Fort Gaine

Fort Gaine was one of the forts defending the Mobile Bay during the Civil War. The Confederates held this fort and Fort Morgan across the mouth of the harbor. When Admiral Farragut sailed his fleet into Mobile Bay, the Confederate Forts and their ships fought Admiral Farragut. In the end the Union won.

The Battle of Mobile Bay

After seeing Fort Morgan, my dad and I drove the car on a car ferry and crossed the channel to Fort Gaine.

On the road from Fort Gaine to the USS Alabama in Mobile Bay.

The USS Alabama looks great on the inside. I climbed inside the second set of guns. I saw where the 16 inch shells were loaded. The Alabama and the
USS Wisconsin in the Norfolk harbor are both very cool.
Then my dad and I ate at my favorite restaurants chain- This Cracker Barrel was on our way home from Mobile Bay.

The last day in Pensacola I got to see the beach. The sand was like silk.

While I was on the Navy base I saw on the beach some of the BP workers cleaning up the beach.

The ridge that runs parallel with the water is from the British Petroleum (BP) workers sifting the sand to clean the oil and tar from the beach. You can see they have done an excellent job here.

This is me running on the beach. It was beautiful.

This Pensacola Church reminds me that a city may have history and beauty, but what is important is:
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance" Psalms 33:12

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The beach looks beautiful!!! =)