Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Treats

Last week after work I went to a symphony of Handel's Messiah. It was heavenly.
The Church had a multi-denominational choir and orchestra. One of my favorite songs besides the "Hallelujah chorus" was "He shall purify".

On the way home my mom and I decided to check out a old closed down Christmas Tree lot. We rescued a Christmas Tree. It was laying in a field waiting for disposal. The tree was stuffed into the car's front seat and driven home. Now the Christmas tree is sitting in a corner of our kitchen awaiting lights and a skirt.

This story is a lot like what Christ did. He came down to a dark planet and chose, redeemed a people that were ready for God's disposal. The tree reminds me of God's redeemed.


Anonymous said...

I've never been to a live performance of Handel's Messiah, but it's a beautiful work of musical art. =)

That's neat about your Christmas tree!! It's really cute, too. =) I have a special fondness for smaller trees!

Your sharing of the similarity between your tree and the coming of Christ reminded me of an activity we did at a friend's house last night. As we sang Chrsistmas hymns, we went around in a circle and each of us shared something from the Chrsistmas story that we thought was special to us.

I talked about how there was no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn, so Jesus had to be born in the stable, as we all know. But I thought it was interesting that, just like Jesus was born in a special, set-apart place, we Christians are supposed to live set-apart from the "inn" of this world. We are to be in the world, but not of it. I just thought that was a neat parallel to His birth.

David G. and Family said...

Amen, Hannah, that was a great parallel to Jesus' birth. I haven't thought of that before! May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!! :)

David (DJ)