Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Great American Hero has Died

Colonel Bob Howard served 50 years in the U.S. Army. He served from the Vietnam War to the War on Terror. He was nominated three times for the Medal of Honor and had multiple purple hearts, bronze and silver stars... His job in the Army was Army Special Forces, Green Beret.

Let us thank God for men like him who devote their lives to protecting our freedom.

"After I made an inspection, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the great and awe-inspiring Lord, and fight for your countrymen, your sons and daughters, your wives and homes"Nehemiah 4:14.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year 2010!!!!

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" 2 Corinthians 5: 17.

For New Year's for 2010. The closer we hold to God the more we grow like Him. Regardless of where life's course finds you, Christ's hand is there to lift you up and give you strength.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Day!!!!

"O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth."

"...Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."Acts 20:35b

My dad and I got his 55 year old toy train to work. It was so neat to see it going around the track.

My mom with one of her Christmas gifts, a Desert Rose dish.

Emily and her ASL interpreters shirt. ASL interpreters wear black because of the contrast with their hands.

I received a dipping spices.

Dad and Emily's matching sweatshirts.

Sabbath shirts.

Just playing after Christmas Eve Service.

Out for a bike ride

Christmas Dinner

Our Christmas dinner guest, Chaplain Elkin.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mum's trip to Pensacola

A week before Christmas, my mom went down to Pensacola to be with my dad while he had eye surgery.

They went to see the ocean. I love the beautiful sand and sea.

Mum collecting sand for my sand collection.

Dad preparing gifts for the Angel Tree project.

The Cracker Barrel in Pensac0la was loaded with people.

The firemen love Cracker Barrel too! :)

More Christmas photos later... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

David (DJ)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Treats

Last week after work I went to a symphony of Handel's Messiah. It was heavenly.
The Church had a multi-denominational choir and orchestra. One of my favorite songs besides the "Hallelujah chorus" was "He shall purify".

On the way home my mom and I decided to check out a old closed down Christmas Tree lot. We rescued a Christmas Tree. It was laying in a field waiting for disposal. The tree was stuffed into the car's front seat and driven home. Now the Christmas tree is sitting in a corner of our kitchen awaiting lights and a skirt.

This story is a lot like what Christ did. He came down to a dark planet and chose, redeemed a people that were ready for God's disposal. The tree reminds me of God's redeemed.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Merry Christmas

Dear Family and Friends:

Merry Christmas! 2009 has been a blessed year for the Girardin family. This has been a great scholastic learning year for all!

David‘s biggest accomplishment was to graduate from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in Washington D.C. Reconstruction and nation building was the emphasis and it was a rich experience. His studies took him to Haiti, Panama, Australia and to the Solomon Islands to consider nation building. He is assigned to NCAT- Navy Education and Training, Pensacola Florida. In caring for Navy Chaplaincy Education.

Barbara is working at her forensic nursing clinic and loves the ministry with patients who have experienced crisis. The clinic is owned and operated by nurses and is expanding to rural areas west of Chesapeake. She is studying women’s health Old Dominion University with the goal of slowing earning her NP (nurse practitioner) that will help in the forensic practice. For those of you who homeschool your cherubs, stay the course. DJ and Emily have experienced much success in the college learning process. All thanks the Lord for the successes and she is also thankful to the culture and process of homeschool.

David, also known as DJ (21) has been working as a dishwasher at Cracker Barrel since January. He sees this as a great mission and have been a lighthouse to his fellow workers. Community college courses take the rest of the time that he is not helping around the house. This semester he has completed College English and Survey of World Religions . He would like to major in Biblical and Theological Studies. He is looking at Regents University, when he finishes his core classes. He has found the blessing of the “Bible belt” Community College, as he is able to take many Biblical studies courses along with his core.

Emily (19) is transferring to an online program – University of Northern Colorado. She has taken all her core requirements, as well as American Sign Language (ASL) and some interpreting credits. She desires to obtain her bachelors degree in ASL interpreting, while staying at home. The University of Northern Colorado gives her that option. She is about a year and a half away from finishing. This summer, Emily obtained state interpreting certification and was able to use that in interpreting at a Deaf-Blind Christian camp. Now, this winter she has experienced the blessing of finding a job interpreting in the local school district – Chesapeake, full time. She loves working with her students and always seems to have a fun story to share!

This year has been a great year of ministry and studies. One verse that keeps me striving to be that lighthouse for Christ is this: "I will set a sign among them, and I will send some of those who survive to the nations... and to the distant islands that have not heard of my fame or seen my glory. They will proclaim my glory among the nations." Isaiah 66:19

For more Girardin adventures see our blog:
or search us on!

“God be with you until we meet again!”

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our Christmas Decorations

A surprise manger we received in Guam.

Our Charley Brown Christmas tree.

A cow is resting in our Stable awaiting for the Christ Child.

Our Christmas village…

And our Advent wreath.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Always remember Pearl Harbor and 9-11-01...Praise God for our freedom and those who served.