Monday, October 26, 2009

Mission Spotlight: A day at Cracker Barrel

Below is a mission spotlight of where God has allowed me to proclaim His glory to the nations. The below photos are a step by step tour of how dishes go through the kitchen.

Here I am running the wash room.

The grill line where most of the food , pancakes, meat, toast, and eggs are made/cooked. The grill is to the left. The window (hot window) to the right is where the grill cooks pass the food on to the servers.

The server line where the servers go to pick up their trays of food from the grill cooks. To the right is where the drinks are located.

Where the dirty dishes are dropped off by the servers and cooks.

Next, after the buss tubs full of dirty dishes come in, we unload them. I also pull out the unopened supplies, like creamer. These supplies are shown to the manager.

After that I wash the dishes. One hand is on the sponge and the other is racking the dishes to go through the dish machine.

After the dishes come through the machine, we stack them and they are ready to be used for food again.

My friend Dennis washing dishes on closing shift.

Emily is a server at Cracker Barrel. Now we can drive together to work.

Justin sorting the silverware before it goes through the machine again.

A friendly grill cook who likes helping in the dish room.

Geraldo is washing while I am unloading bus tubs. I recently gave him a Spanish/English Bible. He is reading it, praise God. Pray that he comes to a better understanding of God.

Scenic photo of the front porch before I leave.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

True Christian character

"True Christian character is marked by a singleness of purity, indomitable determination which refuses to yield to worldly influences and which will aim at nothing short of the biblical standard."
-E.G. White

This quote reminds me of the determination Winston Churchill had to hold out in the Battle for Briton.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lefsa, A Norwegian Bread

Last Sabbath my mom and a close friend who is deaf made lefsa. This is a Norwegian flat bread. Lefsa is made with potatoes and cooked on a Mongolian-like flat grill.

Here are the two lefsa chefs.

Lefsa being cooked on the Mongolian like grill.

Their second project-canned pickles.

My mom's friend brought some hot peppers to share.

Here I am flipping the lefsa.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Altar restored, October 538 B.C.

When the exiles returned from Babylon "the altar was dedicated in October of the memorable year, 538 B.C. " (Keyes, 1962).

Ezra 3:2-3 "Then stood up Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and his brethren the priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and his brethren, and builded the altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt offerings thereon, as it is written in the law of Moses the man of God. And they set the altar upon his bases; for fear was upon them because of the people of those countries: and they offered burnt offerings thereon unto the LORD, even burnt offerings
morning and evening."

The Israelites were worried about the people around them. But that worry did not stop them from building God's altar and worshiping there. The altar was built on Mt. Moriah where Solomon's Temple had been. What bravery! These people had to build and worship at the top of a hill while there were threats around them. We Christians have that same strength available to hold onto God's narrow way.

Nelson B. Keyes. (1962). Reader’s Digest Story of the Bible World.
Pleasantville, New York: The Reader’s Digest Association.