Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bible Trivia

Which chapters of the Gospels mention Jesus riding on a donkey?

Who has a vision of the hills filled with horses and chariots of fire? (2Kings 6:17)

Sources Cited:

Bulletin from the Windsor SDA Church


Anonymous said...

Oh - I've got to get off the computer for now, but I'll look it up and try to be back with my answer tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Chapters and citations in which Jesus rides on a donkey...

John 12:14. Zechariah 9:9. Matthew 21:5. Luke 19:28-44. Mark 11:1-11.

Elisha saw the vision of the charoit of fire.

David G. and Family said...

Good job. I like the Zechariah verse, because is is the root of all those donkey verses.

Watch for more Bible trivia in the future.