Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bible Trivia II

What are your favorite Bible books, and favorite verse?
My favorite books are Acts, Daniel, Revelation, and Isaiah.
The notable verse, and explanation are:
Isaiah 66:20"Then they shall bring all your brethren for an offering to the LORD out of all nations, on horses and in chariots and in litters, on mules and on camels, to My holy mountain Jerusalem,” says the LORD, “as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the LORD."
This verse reminds me that when I come before God for Church, Christian service, or Bible reading I must have all my known sins cleaned up (confessed). This is a great goal to work towards of the week. Making sure your life is a clean vessel ready to be used by God.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Appomattox Court House-a great act of charity

Throughout the trip to the Deep South we saw Beaufort and Charleston, South Carolina. The highlight was seeing Fort Sumter where the Civil War started. The Confederates fired on the Fort, which was held by Federals. After a brief trip home the G family drove out to Appomattox Court House where the War of Northern Aggression (Civil War) ended and brothers were reunited.

After the loss at Gettysburg, Lee retreated back towards Virginia, his home terratory. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia tried to use trenches at the battle of Cold Harbor to defend Richmond against the Northern Army. Then later Lee and his Army defended Richmond and Petersburg, but these cities fell. Lee and his Army retreated west out of Richmond and Petersburg to be resupplied. But the Union Cavalry cut off the supply train stations. So the Union continued to pursue Lee and his Army west. Lee hoped that a Confederate relief Army from North Carolina could come up and help him. But no relief army came, and Lee and his men were out numbered low on ammunition, and desperately hungry. Finally Lee and his Army pulled into the area of Appomattox hoping to find supplies, but the Union again blocked the supply train. Surrounded on three sides, Lee ordered one last attack. His men charged the North and succeeded in pushing them back a little. The North added their reinforcements and Lee's hope was gone.
Robert E. Lee, Commander of all Virginia Forces sent a message to Grant asking for the terms of surrender. Lee's officer found a proper surrender place-the Appomattox Court House. They could not use the court house because it was closed on Easter. Lee and Grant met in the front parlor of Mr. McLean's house. They talked about their time together in the Mexican War and then got down to business. Lee sat at the marble topped table and Grant at the wooden table. Grant paroled all Lee's men and allowed them to keep their horses for spring plowing. The officers could keep their pistols. He even allowed Lee to keep his sword, which was a symbol of his command and authority. Grant did not humiliate General Lee by requesting his sword. The Confederates had to give up their rifles and cannons so rebellion was averted. After the surrender agreement was signed, Grant arranged for the North's own rations to be given to the Confederate soldiers. By caring for the enemies Grant and the Northern Army helped launch healing and reconstruction.

The Court House was the exact center of the Community of Appomattox. But it was closed because of Easter on April 9, 1865. The surrender signing occurred in the parlor of the house.

So Mr. Wilmer McLean offered his house for the surrender. The Appomattox Garden Society decorated the town for Christmas when we were there we saw wreaths on the doors, garland on the side-rails and candles in some of the windows.

General's Grant's desk where he signed the surrender.
And below is General Lee's desk. See the big book in the back round? This book would probably a Bible.

The Hero of Little Round Top at Gettysburg, Joseph Chamberlain had made it though the war now a General, he had his Northern men salute the Confederates for they laid down their arms.

Here are us on the spot that the Confederates turned in their weapons.

Some beautiful scenery. I love to the fields beyond the trees.

The last place where the last shot was fired. The soldiers were emptying the cannons, so the last shot was not aimed at anything.

The printing house (really a room) where parole papers were printed.

A Bible of Joel T. Cawthorne 18th Virginia Infantry (CSA) that survived.

Brothers reunited.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bible Trivia

Which chapters of the Gospels mention Jesus riding on a donkey?

Who has a vision of the hills filled with horses and chariots of fire? (2Kings 6:17)

Sources Cited:

Bulletin from the Windsor SDA Church

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dia de tres reyes

Happy three kings day from the Gs. In Puerto Rico we first learned about this celebration of the diligent seeking of the wise men. Let us also diligently seek Jesus.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Our trip to the deep south

We were up and on the road bright and early on our way south before Christmas this year. Our journey leads us to several places, but the mission goal was to visit a dear elderly lady in Beaufort, South Carolinia. Mrs. B is her name, and she and her husband were like second parents to my dad while he was in the Army in Washington D.C. in the 1970s. Now she is living with her daughter and her son-in-law as well as a menagerie of animals.

Down at the end of the street there is a pier and a boat dock. It is so peaceful on the water. I like the sun shooting through the clouds. Typical to South Carolina is swamp. Spanish moss hangs beautifully from the trees.

Emily and I to drive it down to the pier. Emily was geting driving practice.

Does Spanish moss kill the trees?
If Spanish moss is thick enough over leaves, it may block the sun and kill the tree.

Gus and Sadie
Dad and I buying some black berry cider from a roadside shop in in Beaufort.

There is a flock of 12-18 deer that come for the corn in the backyard.

God told Moses
Exodus 14:16

"16But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea."

Emily loves riding Rusty. Be very careful with cameras around the horses, the flash spooks them. We learned the hard way...

Fort Sumter in the center of Charleston harbor. The Confederates fired on the Federal troops in the Fort leading up to the Civil War. The Fort was taken down half its 50 feet in height by the shelling. Once the Federals left the Fort, the Confederates occupied it. At the end of the war the Federals retook the Fort.

Here is the real size of Fort Sumter's flag. The original is in a display case below the replica.

Now there are several flying over the Fort the Union, Confederate.

Looking out the cannon hole in Fort Sumter's wall. 15 cannons were present when the attack started. The Fort was not completed and was poorly equipped. There were only 70 people running the Fort.

Here we are inside the fort where you can still see shell holes.

A family picture: