Thursday, January 3, 2008

Merry Christmas -2007

Merry Christmas! I hope you had a blessed Christmas and are enjoying the New Year- 2008!

This is our manger - we keep it up until 3 Kings Day (January 6) but naturally the sign changes. Right now it says: Fled to Egypt.

On Christmas morning Dad was up first. Very excited....

We each open one present at a time. Mum, then me, then DJ, and finally, Dad. We were all waiting excitedly for Mum to open this present....I love this picture, Mum's face is priceless as she opens and sees Dad bought her a Macbook. *smiles!*

Mum sitting close to the fireplace with her shawl that a friend gave her for Christmas. Very cute.

Dad and I (I'm wearing a cap that a friend gave me for Christmas - it's so soft) enjoying the joy of Christmas. I think my favorite part is seeing peoples reactions at receiving a gift - surprise, satisfaction, excitement, and even laughter....the joy of giving. *smiles*

DJ, Dad, and Mum and me (the photographer) wishing you all a joy-filled Christmas!!

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