Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today, January 20 we had our first snow was very exciting!!

So this morning I sat up in bed at a bright and early 5 o'clock. I looked outside my window and only saw some frost on the grass. The weather said we should have had 4- 6 inches...I was sad.

At 8 o'clock I heard Mum calling that there was snow falling. I looked outside and saw a small covering of snow across the roof tops and on the grass. It wasn't 6 inches but it was definitely something!

Pulling myself out of bed, throwing on some warm clothes, and pulling my hair into a messy bun I ran outside to join my brother. He was feeding the birds and doing some pull ups. Ta-da!!

Seeing some *clean* snow I picked it up and prepared for a yummy breakfast. For those of you who are nurses like my mom, I did not actually eat it. Just licked it. *smiles* And it tasted like......snow - pure, white, clean snow.

My brother and I stood barefoot on the snowy looks more like grass with a little frost on it. But I'll have you know, for those of you who don't live in 20 degree weather or ever experienced snow - that standing barefoot in snow was cold and chilling...when i tried to walk after that experience, I felt like I was standing on pins and needles! *laugh* But it was fun!

Friday night I was laughing with my ASL teacher who is from Michigan. She said, so I hear it will snow on Saturday night and Sunday morning. I gave her this look and showed just how much snow we'll have....half an inch? A quarter? She laughed.

Here in Virginia it snows only once a year and often schools will close for an inch of snow! People don't know how to drive in this weather, frankly, they can't even drive when it's raining!! *laugh* No offense Virginia drivers...

I guess that's one reason I love my home here - Virginia has four season and a little snow to bring a smile to your face...once a year!

David John's 20th birthday

January 7 - We went to Virginia War Museum to celebrate my birthday.

Below is me with a anti aircraft gun cooled by water.

This is a portion of the Burlin Wall - the western side.

This speaks for it's self....

Emily ODed on museums...she would much prefer an ASL class. :)

This is coastal defense gun. This type of gun was never used in action.

We also went to eat pizza...yum. But that comment sound rather "cheesy" (pun intended)...

A lot of people ask me what is it like to be 20-years-old....i feel a older, obviously. But I'm still myself -"Old Man" (haha, Joe)!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

My last night with my AWANA T&T girls....

So, on Wednesday it was my last night with my AWANA 5th and 6th T&T girls because starting next week my American Sign Language (ASL) IV classes are at the same time. I'm really going to miss my time with them - they are so precious to me. I treasured my Wednesday nights with them.... I'll really miss that.

Here is DJ preparing to work with his Preschool Cubbies at AWANA. He has been teaching the lessons for them...he's been serving with 4-year-olds for 5 years now. It's quite a ministry... and they are so much fun!

My friend, Madi and I serve with the T&T girls. She's with the 3rd and 4th girls. On Wednesday, a little girl came up to Madi after the little girl had watched us together. And the little one said, "The two of you look alike, you could be sisters!" It was so precious. Madi is really sweet girl, she has strong faith in God and remembers so many Bible verses, it's great. God has big plans for her.

Reagan pushing Kylie around the circle at game time....*laugh* They are on my team and we love game time!

Jordan flying off her cart - those things can get dangerous. Glad they didn't have the leaders do that. But they did have the leaders run. I felt like a child again - *laugh* It was fun!! I think the girls enjoy it too!

"See Ms. Emily, we won!!!! Yippeeeeee."

"When 2 or more are gathered...."
Terry, she's a very unique and fun girl - a visual learner. She memorizes verses better when we sign it. She has been able to get through sections so fast by signing. She's had fun and so have I! God definitely put her in a good group. I think I'll miss her the most... I hope she will be placed with a leader who is willing to give ASL a try. *smile*

Reagan, Kylie, and Abby, saying good-bye. Kylie and Abby were on my team last year too, so I'll definitely miss their smilin' faces each week.

Although, I'm going to miss my AWANA girls I know that this is the right choice. I need this class and it's not offered every semester. I'll be back next semester for my T&T AWANA girls.....*smiles* Until then... my Wednesdays will not be the same without them!

Merry Christmas -2007

Merry Christmas! I hope you had a blessed Christmas and are enjoying the New Year- 2008!

This is our manger - we keep it up until 3 Kings Day (January 6) but naturally the sign changes. Right now it says: Fled to Egypt.

On Christmas morning Dad was up first. Very excited....

We each open one present at a time. Mum, then me, then DJ, and finally, Dad. We were all waiting excitedly for Mum to open this present....I love this picture, Mum's face is priceless as she opens and sees Dad bought her a Macbook. *smiles!*

Mum sitting close to the fireplace with her shawl that a friend gave her for Christmas. Very cute.

Dad and I (I'm wearing a cap that a friend gave me for Christmas - it's so soft) enjoying the joy of Christmas. I think my favorite part is seeing peoples reactions at receiving a gift - surprise, satisfaction, excitement, and even laughter....the joy of giving. *smiles*

DJ, Dad, and Mum and me (the photographer) wishing you all a joy-filled Christmas!!