Below is DJ and Renee Luchalemous (we call him Luch - he is an RP at my dad's office) carrying the fruit out to the cars.
Boxes, boxes, and more boxes! Our family and a few other members usually come early to organize the boxes. This means we have to write out each person's order and prepare it. That way it is easier when people arrive.
Mum and Ms. Patti. Ms. Patti has been the coordinator for the fruit for some time. She does a lot of work and we're all so thankful for her!
Mum, Ms. Monica, and Ms. Pennington serving those of us who are working with the fruit. We usually get a yummy lunch complete with Ms. Monica's curry. YUM!
It's been a great ministry but now we are passing it on to Chesapeake SDA Church... it's been a blessing! *smiles*
Looks like fun! What type of fruit did you sell?
Citrus; oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, tangelos, just to name a few... and it was fun, very fun!! *smiles*
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