Monday, August 2, 2010

Crazy Sunday at Cracker Barrel

A few weeks ago I brought the family camera to work. Here are some moments in time from a dishwasher's perspective. Before we start, Sunday at Cracker Barrel is busy from 10am to 2pm. Then from 2pm to 3pm we are flooded with all the post lunch dishes, pots, and plastic containers. This is a great strength and endurance builder.

Here are three dishwashers that have been employed at my work since we first opened last January-the "apostolics". We started with 10 to 12 dishwashers. Of course there are a bunch of new ones, we are all teaching. The teaching is alot like Titus 2.

The post lunch pile of china. Where do I start?

The plastic containers on the rack waiting to be washed. The dishwasher on the left is working to wash some pots. Poor guy.

Rudy the grill cook. This is where the majority of food is put together on the plates.

One of our Mexican dishwashers. She is a very hard worker.

All the silver has to be soaked, washed, sorted, washed again, and then wrapped in the napkins. This is a time consuming process and often we get backed up on the silverware. But thanks to God some servers come to help the dishwashers sort silver. The dish machine on the left is pushing out clean silverware.

Sunday is the busiest day. Through God's strength I can lift, carry, and work nonstop for six to seven hours at a time. I keep Isaiah 66:19 as my motto to encourage me to work hard and show God through my actions. "And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, ... to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles."