Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Great March (drive) South

Just last weekend my family and I all met at our adopted grandma's house in Beaufort, South Carolina. Before we left my mom and I picked strawberries at a local you pick so we would bring gifts.

The rental agency would not let persons under 25 drive. My mom drove and my sister and I had some fun with the camera.

Mrs. Baker's house where she lives with her daughter and son-in-law.

I love the South!

Beautiful Spanish moss.

Mrs. Baker's house is in the middle of a old pecan orchard. This ruin is a silo.

When we got to Mrs. Baker's house we met my dad there. He drove up from his base in Pensacola, Florida. We took a walk down to the water Sabbath morning and had Bible on the boardwalk.

The board walk and dock.

Mrs. Baker's son-in-law, Mr. Orford has a boat and later that day he took us on a tour of the water ways.

He pointed out that the family Cox (of Cox Communication) owns a plantation house that dates back 100+ years. The family's land around the house is not built up, so it acts as a wild life sanctuary. They are renovating the plantation house.

Mr. Orford beached his boat and let us swim.

I love this photo. The shoreline is so picturesque.

My dad with Mr. and Mrs. Oford.

My family drove down and back in a bright yellow rental car. This bright car was quite a shock to people as we drove through the traditional Southern agricultural area. The car would fit into Southern California better. :) Emily loved the car, as you can see in the picture! She would have loved to drive it all the way down and back!

Beautiful tiny church.

A cornfield along highway 24. I wonder how we got on this back road? The navigator must have been experimenting with short cuts. Well, the short cuts were very beautiful. We saw a town where the Church was still the center and tallest building. We saw farms that were huge, cows and calves, and turkey farms.

The cow field reminds me of the 1800s.

The navigator, sitting in the back of the yellow car.

The rest of the team.

Highway 24- two lanes for most of the wonderful trip though the North Carolina. Praise God for such a safe and fun trip.

Until next time, thank you for reading from the G family.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy 20th Birthday Emily!!!!

April 29th was Emily's 20th birthday! We enjoyed a nice family celebration of Emily's birthday. We went out to a Asian restaurant, gave her some gifts, and had a very delicious ice cream cake. ;)

Below are some pictures...

The cake
