Saturday, January 30, 2010

The deep freeze part I

Today, Sabbath we woke up and found a whole lot of snow. There must of been 4-5 inches of snow. Since the roads would be a mess, we stayed home from church and enjoyed playing in the snow, resting in the house, and watching a spiritual movie.

The following is our adventure in the snow, the deepest the snow ever got while we were sojourning in Virginia.

Emily's car

The backyard and a Christmas tree

A snow war!!!!

Old Glory survives through all conditions. This is a neighbor's house.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Great Blessing for Three Kings day

Every January 6 in Hispanic countries children put grass in a container the night before in hopes that the three king's camels will eat the grass and leave a gift.

This Three Kings Day God helped me pass the next level at Cracker Barrel. Now I am a PAR III worker. For all who have been at Cracker Barrel and have seen the stars on the servers' aprons, the stars tell what PAR level they have earned. The dishwashers, cooks and I wear our stars on our collars. The neat thing about earning my "third" star on Three Kings Day is that it was a star that guided the wise men. The three stars are significant because there were three wise men that followed the star.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

01-02-10 Happy Palindrome!

"Today is a very rare day: 01/02/2010. It is the same forward and backward: 01022001.
The next time we will have a palindrome is 11/02/2011. The next time we have a January palindrome is 10,000 years from now 01/01/12010."

Works Cited:
Rawson, Laurie. "Happy Palindrome!". Happy New Year letter. 01-02-10.