Friday, September 25, 2009

Advancment at Cracker Barrel!

As the hymn goes "To God be the Glory..."I finished my advancement test at Cracker Barrel and earned my second rank, a second star. My job will still be in the dish room. But the test sharpened my skills. It is neat to see God moving.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fall Photos

My mom, sister, and I were out driving around last year when these were taken. There is some beautiful God blessed vistas here.

Our City

One of the farms in our area. They grow soybeans.
A farm on the way our to Virginia Beach.
The North Landing River.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

10 Truthful Things About Me

The above topics idea was taken from the blog "farm girl in flipflops":

David (DJ):
1. Working as a dishwasher at Cracker Barrel, I love the job/mission field.
2. Finishing up my Certified Nursing Assistance course.
3. Would love to study Theology at the University level and would like to become a Military Chaplain or Military Officer (God's will).
4. Drive a 1993 Saturn car, the same one that we had in Guam, God's blessings.
5. My favorite Bible books are Isaiah, Luke and Daniel/Revelation.
6. I love history, but math is a struggle.
7. Would love to take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
8. Love Christian, Classical, and Country music.
9. Have more then 100 SCUBA Dives, all of them in Tropical climates.
10. Was Baptised in the Caribbean Sea.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remember 9-11

The World Trade Centers-We Remember American airlines flight 11 and United airlines 175

The Pentagon-We Remember American Airlines 77

Shanksville Pennsylvania-We Remember United Airlines flight 93

Like in the times of old when the USS Maine was sunk and
Fort Sumter and Pearl Harbor were hit. We rose to the challenge and defended our freedom. Eight years after 9-11 we are still rising to the challenge and defending our freedom around the world. Let us stay the course and trust in God and we will be victorious.

Thank-you to all of our Military, Police, Firefighters and our Allies who stood by us and helped preserve our liberty.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Put on the whole Armor of God"

Here is a neat poem that I found in a booklet sent to me from the Bible Broadcasting Network.

"Faint not Christian! though the road Leading to Thy blest abode darksome be, and dangerous too, Christ, thy Guide, will bring thee through. Faint not, Christian! though in rage satan doth thy soul engage; Take thee faith's anointed shield, Bear it to the battlefield..."-Boyd Nicholson