Saturday, July 26, 2008

DJ got his license

A couple weeks ago Mum and DJ headed for the DMV office... DJ was going to take his on the road test to get his licenses. Dad and I waited expectantly at home. Finally, Dad and I heard the car pull up. We ran down the stairs and to the car, "How did it go?" DJ smiled and pulled out his card... HE PASSED!

Yay! Praise God! :) And yes, he's a great driver!

"And You Will Call Him John..."

The Gs have been on an adventure with the Zavalas. Chris and Latoya found out 9 months ago that they were going to have a baby. We were almost as excited as they were... we were going to have a baby!!

On July 11th, nine days after John was due, we got a call from Chris saying they were at the hospital and would we come join them. We excitedly drove to the hospital and eagerly awaited the arrival of the new baby! Chris and my mom were in the delivery room.

The next thing we knew, we saw little John being held by his parents and grandpa. There was such increadible joy and praise. God blessed them with a beautiful boy.

3 John 4 - "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

May God be with this new family!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Emily's State Interpreting Test

In May, I, Emily, took a journey up to Richmond, Virginia to take my Virginia Quality Assurance Screening (VQAS) interpreting test. This test consists of two parts - written and signed. This day I took the written part, along with several of my classmates, Trish, Tanya, and Kellen. Once we pass the written part we can start working among the community for some jobs.

On the drive up to Richomond, we were nervous. 'What if we didn't all pass?' 'How hard is this test?' So we decided to just take it in stride, since either way it would be a learning experience for us.

We took the test... and we all passed! Praise God! Thank-you to those of you who prayed for us. We greatly appreciated it! We all start the interpreting program this fall. We eagerly await learning more about interpreting, so we can take the second part of the test.