Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Emily's 18th Birthday

April 29th was my 18th birthday. If asked how I felt, I feel the same as I did last year... =] I had a great time with my family on my birthday, but also doing homework as this is finals week.

I am thankful for 18 years of life, the blessing of a wonderful home, awesome family, fun friends, and a God who is guiding me as I seek His will for my life...and my new pet mice - Zach and Zoe. DJ gave them to me.

A mischievous me and my big brother having fun on my birthday....

Earth Day- plant a tree!

A tradition in the Girardin family is to plant a tree on Earth Day. Below are some photos of our day:

We started off the day at the arboretum, hearing a presentation from some officials regarding taking care of our earth. We also brought four trees that we could add to our forest in the backyard. =]

DJ and his tree...

Ta-da! We planted a tree... isn't it a beauty? It is located at one of our local high schools. Many groups were located at the high school planting trees at the assigned places. It is so nice to see people enthusiastic about taking care of our earth.

So what did you do on Earth Day?

Last Week of the Spring Semester

It's hard to believe, but this semester of school is coming to an end. This was DJ's first semester at our beloved college, Tidewater Community College. DJ would describe his first semester at TCC, "as a great learning experience." His favorite class was his Bible class. He plans on taking three classes this summer semester.

I [Emily] have also enjoyed this semester. This is my second year at TCC. My favorite class was Educational Interpreting. My professor gave me the amazing opportunity to observe interpreting in the educational setting. So four day over the past two weeks I travel around Hampton Roads to a elementary, middle, and high school. I have learned so much. My heart is really set on becoming an educational interpreter.

Here is a picture of me after I completed an observation at a middle school.

I also greatly enjoyed my ASL4 class. This is the final class before I enter into the interpreting program. I am so excited! Below is a picture of my classmates and I. Left to right are: Trish, Kathy - our professor, Susan, me, Kellen (in front of me), Beth (in the very front), Tanya (next to Kellen), Tiffany (next to me), "Queen," and Janet. My class has been so amazing. Kathy has emphasized on storytelling. We've learned a lot in such a short amount of time! We are truly blessed by the ASL department at TCC.

Star Grieser and Kathy Mutter are amazing. These two teachers have been such an inspiration to me and my dream of becoming an interpreter/teacher of the Deaf. God has blessed me by putting them in my life.

*laughs* Yes, we studied so hard for this final...we ended up sleeping through it! Just kidding... =]

So this semester is coming to a close. What do we have planned for the break between semesters? I plan on studying for part one of my state interpreting screening. I will be taking it on May 16th, so if you can send up a prayer for me on that day I would greatly appreciate it. Also I plan to socialize among the Deaf Community. They are truly amazing and fun! =] DJ is practicing for the ASVAB, he plans on taking it after summer semester. This fall he is planning on joining the Air Force Reserves. Please pray for us as we make important decisions.

God bless you and your family... enjoy our updates! =]