So this morning I sat up in bed at a bright and early 5 o'clock. I looked outside my window and only saw some frost on the grass. The weather said we should have had 4- 6 inches...I was sad.
At 8 o'clock I heard Mum calling that there was snow falling. I looked outside and saw a small covering of snow across the roof tops and on the grass. It wasn't 6 inches but it was definitely something!
Pulling myself out of bed, throwing on some warm clothes, and pulling my hair into a messy bun I ran outside to join my brother. He was feeding the birds and doing some pull ups. Ta-da!!
Seeing some *clean* snow I picked it up and prepared for a yummy breakfast. For those of you who are nurses like my mom, I did not actually eat it. Just licked it. *smiles* And it tasted like......snow - pure, white, clean snow.
My brother and I stood barefoot on the snowy looks more like grass with a little frost on it. But I'll have you know, for those of you who don't live in 20 degree weather or ever experienced snow - that standing barefoot in snow was cold and chilling...when i tried to walk after that experience, I felt like I was standing on pins and needles! *laugh* But it was fun!
Friday night I was laughing with my ASL teacher who is from Michigan. She said, so I hear it will snow on Saturday night and Sunday morning. I gave her this look and showed just how much snow we'll have....half an inch? A quarter? She laughed.
Here in Virginia it snows only once a year and often schools will close for an inch of snow! People don't know how to drive in this weather, frankly, they can't even drive when it's raining!! *laugh* No offense Virginia drivers...
I guess that's one reason I love my home here - Virginia has four season and a little snow to bring a smile to your face...once a year!